Usborne Publishing – 2020
Two new illustrated books of the lucky “100 THINGS TO KNOW” series for Usborne Publishing , on curious facts about the Oceans and on how to save the planet, published in 2020 during the pandemic. Illustrated by myself and various illustrators. This time, unfortunately, I only made a few illustrations. Here are some of my pages.
Due nuovi libri illusDue nuovi libri illustrati della fortunata collana “100 COSE DA SAPERE” per Usborne Publishing, su curiosità sugli oceani e su come salvare il pianeta, pubblicati nel 2020 durante la pandemia. Illustrato da me e da vari illustratori. Questa volta, purtroppo, ho potuto fare solo alcune illustrazioni. Ecco alcune delle mie pagine.
“100 Things to know about Saving the planet” was shortlisted for 2021 Royal Society Young Readers Book Prize.
“the Oceans” pages

Save the Planet pages